Turkey rules out sanctioning Russian oligarchs

Turkey rules out sanctioning Russian oligarchs

Under Western sanctions since the start of the war in Ukraine, the Russian oligarchs are looking for new home ports for their goods and investments. Turkey, which supports Ukraine while refusing to sanction Russia and its oligarchs, could welcome them, under certain conditions.

With our correspondent in Istanbul, Anne Andlauer

To justify its refusal to join the Western sanctions against Russia, Turkey puts forward its economic interests – its dependence in several sectors on Russian imports, in particular natural gas – at a time when the country is already undergoing a inflation over 50% over a year. But Turkish leaders also consider, without saying so directly, that the Turkish economy could benefit from the crisis between Russia and the Western powers.

Asked at the Doha Forum, in Qatar, about the Russian oligarchs, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu assured that the latter could “ to surrender “in Turkey and there” to do business “as long as their activities remained” legal and not contrary to international law “.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, several countries have seized yachts belonging to the wealthiest Russians. NATO member Turkey, which has close ties with Russia and Ukraine, called the invasion of Ukraine ” unacceptable and positioned itself as a mediator to end the war, while not joining the sanctions against Moscow.

►Also read: War in Ukraine: President Erdogan tries to mediate between Zelensky and Putin

In our country, we allow everything that is legal and nothing illegal can be done. My answer is very clear retorts Mevlut Cavusoglu in the face of insistent questions about Turkey’s possible participation in the sanctions targeting the Russian oligarchs.

Some Russian billionaires, including Roman Abramovich, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, were able to shelter their superyachts in Turkish marinas, while their private jets stop at Istanbul airport. On Friday March 25, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, without citing the oligarchs, explained that he wouldn’t close the door “to those who would like” park their capital in his country.
