Felix is perhaps best known for its ketchup, under the simple name Felix ketchup, but also has a wide range of different food products such as meatballs, pitti pan and ready-to-eat frozen meals.
Felix has become classically dark in Sweden, which is not so strange considering that they have been operating since the 1870s. But in its latest launch, a change is also included.
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Felix changes its classic logo
Now the bottle, like Felix’s other products, comes with a new update.
The classic logo consisting of the word Felix in white letters against a red background is now getting a renovation. And that logo has been around since 1999.
In the new logo, a white frame is added to match the letters, which will be the logo’s first change in about 25 years.
This will be the new logo. Press photos from Felix.
The logo is redesigned in connection with a launch of new ketchup bottles. In a press release, the brand describes ketchup as “a red thread through life that binds people together”.
And in Sweden, people are actually very happy with ketchup. As much as 96 percent of the population consumes the spice sauce.
The classic ketchup bottle has gone through many changes. At the latest in 2004, the appearance of the bottle was changed.
Press photo from Felix.
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This is what the new ketchup bottle will look like
So what will the new ketchup bottles look like?
Not much has changed in terms of the shape of the bottle. The biggest change will be Felix’s new logo.
Press photo from Felix.