Salone del Risparmio 2024, the value of the Networks brand between tradition and dynamism of bankers

Salone del Risparmio 2024 the value of the Networks brand

(Finance) – The brand value of financial advisory networksin the perception of investors and young people who propose themselves as future bankers, is partly linked to tradition of the banking institution from which they arise, on the other to a series of factors that have to do with the personalized consultancyproactivity and dynamism of the consultants and with theinnovation. This was revealed by a survey conducted by Assoretithe Association of Investment Advisory Companies, which with the contribution of the financial research institute FINISH on 1,500 professionals (financial consultants and bank employees), 1,000 end investors and 500 graduates with their first work experience or looking for new professional prospects.
The research, illustrated on the occasion of the 2024 Savings Fair in the presence of Marco TofanelliGeneral Secretary Assoreti, was presented by Nicola Ronchetti (Founder & CEO FINER) and debated by Enrico Maria Cervellati (Founder & CEO of EMC3 Solution, Professor of Finance at the LINK University of Rome), together with experts and professionals in the communication sector, Paola Moscatelli (Communication and Marketing Director) e Luca Josi (formerly Head of Brand Strategy, Media & Multimedia Entertainment TIM).

Research confirms that, if on the one hand the bank brands stay linked to family relationships which are passed down from generation to generation (77% for final investors, 64% for young graduates or those in their first job), the Networks are now best known by “word of mouth”that is, because they are recommended by friends or relatives (69% for investors, 71% for young people) and for a greater proactivity of consultants in starting a relationship with investors (29%) and young people (21%). Those who invest mention which ones strengths having a dedicated consultant (85%) or the quality of service in the management of family assets (69%). Young people, however, appreciate innovation digital service (75%) and the possibility of offering consultancy on mortgages and loans (22%). However, for both the solidity and reliability of the Networks remains the first requirement of approaching the industry (88% for investors, 85% for young people).

Among all the aspects monitored by the analysis, the perception of the brand for the young people positively reflects the factors of dynamism (79%), innovation (81%), multi-channel (69%), sustainability (42%) and advertising (34%); for investors instead emerge as essential elements, the financial and asset consultancy (85%) and the financial advisor at the center of the strategy (79%). By aggregating the different indicators, in general, it is to attract investors the image at the forefront corporate networks (24%) and the quality of services and products dispensed (22%); for young people, the Networks are characterized positively by communication and innovation (26%) and the social impact generated (14%).

Among the interested young people to take up the profession as a financial advisor, one third consider consultancy today as career opportunities and 27% would be interested in understand the profession better. These are mostly young people with an economic background (45%) but non-scientific training courses also emerge, such as political science (38%), law (36%) and psychology (33%). In general, 44% of interested respondents are looking for work. As to why they should embark on this profession, 82% express a general interest in finance, but the possibility of also counts working in a solid and growing sector (66%), manage your time better (59%) and have the opportunity to make a career (49%). To embark on this career, 71% consider it essential to support a senior manager or a dedicated training program (65%).

For those already working in the sectorthe most important aspects are the human capital (29%), thecorporate image (27%) e the offer of services and products (25%). Among the bankers who say they are inclined today to consider a career change such as Financial advisor 38% are men and 29% women, 38% aged between 30-40 and 35% aged between 40 and 50, of which 52% already have a client portfolio and 44% work for large companies banking.
