Big shock to Putin! They openly threatened: No secret is safe, we are everywhere

Big shock to Putin They openly threatened No secret is

Reactions to President Vladimir Putin, who started the Russia-Ukraine war, do not stop. Having faced backlash all over the world since the first day of the attacks in Ukraine, Putin is now the target of the famous hacker group Anonymous. The group that hacked the Russian Central Bank also left a message to Putin…

After Russia’s attacks on Ukraine, the internationally famous hacker group Anonymous, which hacked many Russian state sites, especially the Kremlin, to support Ukraine, this time targeted the Central Bank of Russia.


In the video statement made by Anonymous, which started to publish more than 35 thousand documents, including confidential agreements, the size of these files was 28 gigabytes. Anonymous also underlined that there are very important documents, including special agreements, in the files opened on some websites.


Sending harsh messages to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Anonymous said in his statement about the hacking of the Central Bank of Russia, “Hello, citizens of the world. Putin has been leading the Russian people to hunger for years. Putin stopped the media and punished the opponents. While he was having fun in the Kremlin’s rooms, Russia His people suffered economically. Vladimir Putin is a liar, a dictator, a war criminal and a child murderer. Putin and his oligarch friends, together with their arms dealers, are leading the world to disaster. Thousands of civilians and innocent people have been killed in Ukraine at Putin’s orders. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed. The Ukrainian was displaced. Hospitals, schools and shelters were bombed. Children lost their families, families lost their children. Vladimir Putin, remember what we did to dictators in Nigeria, Chile, Nicaragua. Israel, the USA, Europe, the Master “Remember how we punished Card, SARS and all other war supporters.”


Sending a message to Russian President Putin in the continuation of the statement, Anonymous said, “Vladimir Putin, no secret is safe. We are everywhere. We are in your palace. We are where you eat. We are at your table, in the room where you sleep. Now. Thousands of documents, agreements, correspondence of the Central Bank of Russia. , money transfers, trade secrets of your oligarchs, real economy reports you hide from the public, trade agreements you signed with other countries, your statements, information about your registered supporters, conference videos and programs you use. NATO, USA and European Union (EU) are liars. They just want to enslave humanity. “They all have agreements behind closed doors. The innocents all over the world are not alone. We are you. You are us. Take control. We are on the side of the innocent. We do not allow war and exploitation. We are Anonymous. We are unity. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Wait for us.” .


It was stated that while Anonymous shared more than 35 thousand files belonging to the Central Bank of Russia over the internet sites, the data was also uploaded to other secure websites against possible blocking. It was learned that while many people began to access the confidential documents downloaded over the websites shared by Anonymous, the relevant persons began to analyze their contents. (UAV)
