after the ouster of the president of the National Assembly, the opposition protests

the president of the National Assembly dismissed by the High

The High Constitutional Court stripped her of her mandate as a deputy, and de facto of the presidency of the National Assembly, Christine Razanamahasoa. The former head of the Lower House will no longer sit in the chamber until the next legislative elections scheduled for May 29. In question, his recent positions considered contrary to the line of the executive. This sanction makes the opposition and some deputies from the majority group jump.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Beirut, Pauline Le Troquier

decision had the effect of a shock wave. “ But who will still dare to maintain that we currently live in a state of law? », Reacts on his X account, Hajo Andrianainarivelo, president of the opposition party Malagasy Miara Miainga (MMM).

Even within the majority, voices were raised. MP Paul Bert Rahasimanana – known as Rossy – points out the “ lightness » of a decision taken in just two days, following an expeditious hearing at the High Constitutional Court.

Thursday evening, the judges of the Court in fact validated the request for forfeiture filed by the presidential coalition IRD, under the recent critical remarks by Christine Razanamahasoa. A legal procedure that the opposition considers used for political purposes.

But for the power camp, it is indeed a question of sanctioning deviations “ repeated » of the group’s line of conduct which constitute, according to him, a real threat to the “ stability ” And ” democracy to Madagascar “.


Contacted by RFI, the lawyer for the former head of the institution, Master Rija Rakotomalala, sees it as a force intended to bypass the defense. Instead of being treated as a simple deputy, his client should first have been stripped of her position as president of the National Assembly, before being ousted from her elected functions, adds the lawyer.

The timing chosen to announce the sanction, just before the Easter weekend, during which political and institutional life is at a standstill, deprived Christine Razanamahasoa of an immediate response. Since the announcement of her dismissal, the latter has remained silent.

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