Artificial intelligence: which studies for which professions?

Artificial intelligence which studies for which professions

Artificial intelligence is a term that has become common, and is used quite commonly in the media. However, AI is rather “young”. It is, in fact, a discipline which gradually saw the light of day between the 1940s and 1960s. Today, artificial intelligence attracts and provokes the enthusiasm of young people, eager to train. But for which professions?

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It is always interesting to remember what is artificial intelligence (IA). These are the set of operational systems that are capable of executing complex operations. The fields of application of AI are multiple and even almost unlimited since it is constantly developing. But then, how to train in AI and which career to embrace?

Which sectors are directly affected by artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence affects many sectors. It is at the heart of automotive industry, of health, but also of industry, aeronautics and defense, marketing, insurance, tourism, banking, media, environment, luxury, commerce and even education.

For example, artificial intelligence will be used to computer-assisted surgery, it will make it possible to provide solutions in terms of ecological and energy transition, or even improve the detection of cyber attacks in the field of Defense.

Suffice to say that dedicating your studies to artificial intelligence opens many doors. Not to mention that professions are evolving and that AI, in perpetual development, has little chance of encountering limits in the areas it directly impacts.

What disciplines are studied in an artificial intelligence school?

Before wishing to integrate a artificial intelligence school, it is important to know the different disciplines that make up this teaching. Artificial intelligence trains in computer science, obviously, but it is necessary to study statistics, data science, mathematics, the robotics, programming and big data, among others. An AI student must also understand management and the business world, particularly finance, but also explore the field of law, management and marketing.

Artificial intelligence schools offer complete courses as soon as you obtain the baccalaureate, but it is possible to integrate a Bachelor cycle in the second year on condition of having validated a first year of a bachelor’s or preparatory course. Integration into the third year must be able to be justified by certifying that you hold a bac + 2. The course of a student in artificial intelligence can continue until obtaining a Master 2 (bac +5), or even beyond!

How to describe the professions linked to artificial intelligence?

A course in artificial intelligence allows access to many professions which, themselves, are linked to various fields. Indeed, employability linked to AI is increasingly widespread.

Thus, by holding a Master 2 Artificial Intelligence, it is possible to exercise with passion the following professions: financial analyst specializing in AI, data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, CRM Manager, consultant cybersecurity, AI developer, innovation director, AI project manager… As for the possibility of advancing in one’s career, AI has a certain advantage, that of not being short of projects. An AI professional will have the choice to maneuver towards new perspectives, to integrate innovative companies or large entities.

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