The mistakes you should not make in the declaration: “Happens often”

The mistakes you should not make in the declaration Happens

On March 4, the Tax Agency started sending out the income declaration to those who have a digital mailbox, and from March 15 they also started sending out the declarations in paper form.

From March 19, it is possible to declare, via the Tax Agency’s website, and there is something to keep an eye on before approving the declaration, including a whole host of deductions.

Declaration 2024: The deductions you can make this year

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

Declaration 2024: Dates you must not miss

The mistakes many make in the declaration

When filling in your declaration, it is beneficial not to do it too hastily. Partly because you can miss out on valuable deductions, and partly because it can easily go wrong.

Hold on! Early declaration can cost you thousands

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

But what are the most common mistakes that people make in the declaration? News24 asked the tax lawyer Ola Aronssonactive at Familjens Jurist.

– When it comes to the income tax return, there are some classic mistakes that can cause it. A common mistake is miscounting the numbers. This often happens when you fill in the declaration by hand on paper. Such summation errors can mean that the sum does not match what you have actually earned or spent.

– Another mistake is not transferring numbers correctly between different forms. But the travel deduction is also a source of inaccuracies, where many make mistakes by not correctly declaring trips to and from work. Then there is that thing with the sale of shares and other securities. It is easy to make mistakes when reporting profits and losses.

Are you one of 700,000 Swedes who missed an important declaration detail?

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

And precisely the latter has proven to be a major source of problems. A few years ago, when the Swedish Tax Agency did a random sample, it turned out that there was an error in every second declaration precisely when it came to the sale of securities, which The Express reported on then.

Read more articles about the declaration here:

Declaration 2024: Are you one of those the Tax Agency is hunting?

Tax refund already in April? Here’s what it takes

Travel deduction 2024: This is how it works in the declaration
