Open a pub in the church – to get more members

Open a pub in the church to get more

The Church of Sweden wants to attract more members. On Gotland, the percentage of Gotlanders who are members of the church has fallen below 60 percent for the first time.

The Church of Sweden wants to attract more members. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT.

That’s what the priest and the diocesan adjunct want Bimbi Ollberg change. For Swedens radio he tells us that the churches must open up to specialties.

The price of beer is reduced here – valid from 1 March

Pub in the church? Photo: Christine Olsson/TT. The proposal: Open a pub to attract people to the church

Bimbi Ollberg can also imagine opening a pub in the church.

– Today we try to do too much in all places, he says.

At Visby diocese, the goal is to make 80 percent of Gotlanders members by 2050.

– I can imagine that we can open a pub in the church, I can imagine that we can open a church that focuses only on children and young people, I can imagine that we have some church in some parish that focuses only on concerts and music. We niche the churches a little more than we do today, says Ollberg to SR.

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