Covid isolation: new rules, contact case, positive, vaccinated…

Covid isolation new rules contact case positive vaccinated

NEW COVID ISOLATION RULES. The isolation rules changed on March 21, 2022. A contact case, vaccinated or not, is no longer required to isolate themselves. A Covid-positive case must respect an isolation of 7 days (vaccinated) or 10 days (non-vaccinated). Duration, certification… New rules.

[Mis à jour le 23 mars 2022 à 17h34] The rules for isolating case contacts to Covid are greatly reduced in March 2022. Since the March 21, 2022in accordance with the opinion of the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) of February 11, 2022, contact persons at risk (contact cases), regardless of their vaccination status, are no longer required to respect isolationindicates a decree of the General Directorate of Health of March 15, 2022. Positive cases must always respect isolation. What are the new isolation rules? 7 or 10 days? For positive cases? The vaccinated? The unvaccinated? Contact cases? For kids ? How to get an isolation certificate? New rules in effect.

What are the new isolation rules?

Since March 21, 2022, contact cases vaccinated or not (over 12 years old) are no longer required to respect isolation.

New Covid isolation rules ©

What are the isolation rules for a vaccinated Covid positive case?

With a complete and up-to-date vaccination schedule and for children under 12: isolation is for a period of 7 days (full) from the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, hasAfter 5 days, the positive person can come out of isolation on two conditions :

  • She performs an antigen test or RT-PCR and this one is negative
  • She has had no clinical signs of SARS-CoV-2 infection for 48 hours.

If the test performed is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, their isolation is maintained at 7 days. She does not carry out a second test on D7.

What are the isolation rules for an unvaccinated Covid positive case?

With an incomplete vaccination schedule or for non-vaccinated persons: isolation is 10 days (full) from the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 7 days, the positive person can be released from isolation at two conditions :

  • She performs an antigen or RT-PCR test and it is negative
  • She has had no clinical signs of SARS-CoV-2 infection for 48 hours.

If the test is positive or if the person does not perform a test, their isolation is maintained at 10 days. Respect for barrier gestures (wearing a mask and hygiene measures) must be respected for 7 days following the release of the positive case from isolation.

Vaccinated or unvaccinated contact cases are no longer required to respect isolation.

From March 21, 2022in accordance with the opinion of the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) of February 11, 2022, contact persons at risk, regardless of their vaccination status, are no longer required to observe a period of isolation. However, they must always:

  • Strictly apply the barrier measures, and in particular the Wearing a mask indoors and outdoors.
  • Limit their contact, especially with fragile people.
  • Avoid contact with people at risk of severe form.
  • Telework as much as possible.

In addition, contact persons should realize a Covid screening test (antigen, PCR or self-test) on D+2 contact status notification. A positive antigen test or self-test result must necessarily be confirmed by an RT-PCR test. Pending the confirmation result, the person is considered a positive case and begins their period of isolation.

Any person who has been in contact with a Covid-19 positive person without effective protective measures is a risk contact.which are :

  • A physical separation isolating the contact person from the probable confirmed case by creating two spaces without communication (window, Hygiaphone);
  • A surgical mask or an FFP2 mask, or a category 1 fabric mask, worn by the confirmed or probable case and the contact person.

What are the isolation rules for positive children?

For children under 12 positive for Covid, isolation is a duration of 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 5 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test carried out is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, his isolation is maintained at 7 days. She does not carry out a second test on D7. (J means: the day you learn that you are in contact)

Duration: how many days of isolation depending on the case?

Isolation now only concerns people positive for Covid or contact cases and not vaccinated:

  • Vaccinated Covid-positive people must isolate themselves 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. After 5 days, the positive person can be released from isolation if they have a negative antigen test and they have not had any clinical signs of infection for 48 hours.
  • Unvaccinated Covid-positive people must self-isolate 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. After 7 days, the positive person can be released from isolation if they have a negative antigen test and they have not had any clinical signs of infection for 48 hours.
  • Vaccinated or unvaccinated contact cases (or incomplete) no longer have to self-isolate from March 21, 2022. Nevertheless, they must always: strictly apply barrier measures, and in particular wearing a mask indoors and outdoors in contact with other people; Limit their contact, especially with fragile people; Avoid contact with people at risk of severe form; Telework as much as possible.

Positive cases or contacts who need to be isolated can benefit froma certificate of isolation or “declaration of home care” if they need a work stoppage and cannot telecommute. To simplify their procedures, the Health Insurance has opened since October 3, 2020 the teleservice Before paying your daily allowances, Health Insurance will verify that you are identified as a positive case.


– Infection or contact case: the new isolation rules against Covid-19 from January 3, 2022

– Covid-19: vulnerable people must apply for a new isolation certificate. 09/15/2021

– Vulnerable people: the new list of criteria since September 9. September 9, 2021.

– What to do in the event of a case of infection with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) 07/22/2021. French Public Health.

– Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: clinical criteria for release from isolation of infected patients, High Council for Public Health

– Coronavirus COVID-19: health information and recommendations, ARS Occitanie and Île-de-France

– National union of young general practitioners.

– Covid-19 patient sheet, Public Health France.

– File: Isolation, principles and rules to be respected on the site

– Contact person form,
