France’s army chief: “Ready for tough battles”

In late February, French President Macron said sending ground troops to Ukraine was not out of the question, a statement several European countries reacted to.
Now the head of the French army, Pierre Schill, says that it is ready to respond to all threats.
“However the international situation develops, the French people can be sure that their soldiers are ready to respond,” writes Schill in
French Le Monde.

Several European leaders gathered in Paris at the end of February to discuss support for Ukraine. From the Swedish side, Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) was present. Then the French president opened up a new discussion linked to the war in Ukraine.

– There is no agreement today about officially and openly sending ground troops. But as far as dynamics are concerned, nothing should be ruled out. We are doing everything necessary so that Russia does not win the war, said President Emmanuel Macron.

The statement led to a discussion and several leaders, including Sweden’s Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M), said that such a thing was not relevant.

– We do many other things. As everyone knows. We help with extensive military equipment, with a lot of money and in different ways, said Kristersson.

February 27, 2024

Kristersson on ground troops to Ukraine: “Not relevant for the Swedish part”

Army Chief: Preparing for tough battles

In a text in the French newspaper Le Monde, the head of the French army, Pierre Schill, writes that the country’s forces are ready to face all threats and that they are ready, reports Kyiv Post.

“To defend itself from attacks and to defend its interests, the French army prepares for even the toughest battles,” writes Schill in Le Monde.

He also took the opportunity to use the Latin expression “si vis pacem, para bellum” – “If you want peace, prepare for war”

“There are no more small wars”

Schill also writes that the scale of the war has changed and that we have to look differently at the size of different forces. “The days when the course of history could be changed with 300 soldiers are over,” writes Schill

The army chief says that within 30 days France could activate 20,000 soldiers and, together with other allies, command an army of 60,000 soldiers.

He points out that the technological development and access to new technology means that there will not be any “small wars” for a long time and points, among other things, to the Huthi rebels’ attacks in the Red Sea with high-tech robots that “challenge free movement”.
