Putting salt in coffee instead of sugar is a good idea, here’s the reason

Putting salt in coffee instead of sugar is a good

This practice, little adopted by the French, is said to be more effective than sugar. Explanations.

It’s the small gesture of pleasure behind an important moment for many French people: drinking coffee. Many like to add cream or especially sugar to coffee in an attempt to reduce its bitter taste. However, experts believe that there is a better way to improve the taste of coffee, by simply replacing sugar… with salt! It seems surprising, especially for its taste, but the effect is real. Like chefs who add a pinch of salt to their desserts to make certain flavors more intense, the salt in your espresso or long drink can be of real interest.

This practice is still confidential in France but it is already widespread in other countries. It is therefore not unusual in Vietnam, where salty coffee is even prepared with condensed milk to obtain a deliciously caramelized infusion, or in Sweden, where coffee is even garnished with meat or cheese preparations. .. Although there are many skeptics around the issue, there is nevertheless some scientific basis behind this little grain of salt.

A study published by the University of Oxford in 1995 states that “salt is effective in masking bitter taste because when added to a mixture of sweet and bitter compounds, it causes the mixture to acquire a predominantly caramel flavor.” . Coffee experts who joined the debate on this new trend also explained why it works: “Our tongue has taste receptors that detect sodium ions and allow us to experience salty taste. This salinity also amplifies sweetness and reduces bitterness, which is why adding a pinch of salt can greatly improve the flavor of coffee,” explains famous English barista James Hoffman. It is therefore not surprising that this little pinch manages to erase the unpleasant notes of coffee and soften its taste!

In addition to sweetening the coffee, it also helps reduce the amount of sugar you slip into your cup. Any type of salt can be used, from simple table salt to prestigious Himalayan salt, adding it before or after infusion. But be careful, as says Hoffman, “coffee’s bitterness may be one of its greatest pleasures.” It’s all a question of taste and perhaps also the time of day you like to enjoy your coffee. Adding salt to your first morning coffee is probably not for everyone!
