Attal announces a bill to the Assembly from May 27 – L’Express

Attal announces a bill to the Assembly from May 27

The calendar is becoming clearer. The bill on “end of life”, which will include highly regulated “assisted dying”, will be examined in plenary session at the National Assembly from May 27, Prime Minister Gabriel announced on Monday March 11. Attal on X.

President Emmanuel Macron finally announced on Sunday that the bill would open up for adults the “possibility of requesting assistance in dying under certain strict conditions”, in particular that the candidates be “capable of full and complete discernment”, which excludes, for example, psychiatric patients or cases of Alzheimer’s.

The bill, which must be transmitted within ten days to the Council of State, will concern people suffering from an “incurable” pathology with a “short or medium-term vital prognosis”, and suffering “refractory” suffering that we cannot relieve.

READ ALSO: End of life: assisted suicide for psychological suffering, largely absent from French debates

This “help” will be conditional on the “collegial” opinion of the medical team within 15 days. The patient may absorb the deadly product alone or, when unable to do so, particularly in the case of certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Charcot’s disease, with the assistance of a member of the medical profession or of a volunteer whom he has designated.

Expecting resistance from the right of the hemicycle, the Prime Minister recalled on long-awaited” and constitutes “progress”.
