“I will sign the bill that will ban the TikTok platform”

TikTok managed to break new ground by spending 10 billion

The most popular and also the most controversial platform of recent years TikTokfaced with a blanket US ban faced with.

If you missed it, the White House recently backed a bill that would ban the TikTok platform. Last night, US President Joe Biden made a statement and TikTok’s sale if passed by congress (US operation only) or He said he would sign the bill that would ban it. Interestingly, Biden, who is said to be actively using TikTok within the scope of his election campaigns, sees the platform’s connections with China as worrying, but does not hesitate to use the platform to reach young people. TikTok, which has become seriously concerned about the ban, That’s why he took an interesting step recently. users’ phones, “Stop shutting down TikTok.” The company sent a notification titled, asking people for help to prevent the platform from being closed down.


The exact notification he sent to people was: “Congress plans to ban TikTok entirely. Speak up before 170 million Americans are stripped of their freedom of expression. This ban will harm millions of businesses, destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country, and deprive artists of a massive following. Let Congress know what TikTok means to you and tell them to vote NO.The company, which writes and shares a direct search link, has faced many different bans in the USA so far, but This time it is trying to prevent a general blocking step.

TikTok is being targeted not only in the US but also in Europe. For example, the platform is under investigation for possible violations of the Digital Services Act (DSA). could face a huge fine. The company, which is considered to have failed to protect the privacy and security of children in Europe, also deliberately tried to make the app addictive. It is also accused of putting users’ mental health at risk. The platform, which has been accused and investigated many times in the USA in this regard, is also being examined for allegedly designing its algorithms to deliberately present addictive and excessive content.
