Since its creation in 2018, this aid has helped relieve the bills of millions of households. And this year, it will be all the more appreciated, given the latest increases which spare no one.
These are automatic for most people. Once at home, we turn on certain lights, we use our electronic devices or household appliances like the television or the oven, and during the winter, we don’t forget to turn on the heating. Yes, but with inflation and the rise in electricity and gas prices in recent months, many French people are struggling to pay their energy bills or finance their energy work. To help these households, the government has put in place certain financial aid, sometimes exceptional, and others which recur every year at the same period.
This is the case of the energy check, created in 2018, and which benefits 5.6 million low-income households each year in April. This aid is all the more welcome as its average amount is 150 euros, and can reach 277 euros, depending on income and the composition of households. This year, the energy check will be paid between April 2 and May 15, 2024, announced the Ministry of the Economy. As payment dates vary from one department to another, the delivery schedule should be communicated soon.
The year 2024 is also synonymous with new developments for this aid, because two new modalities will now be applied. The first concerns the beneficiaries: as in 2023, these are people who live in accommodation, eligible for housing tax on January 1, 2022 and whose 2022 reference tax income (RFR) was lower than the ceiling of 11,000 euros per unit of consumption. These households, which were harmed last year, will also be able to make a claim from the month of May to the Service and Payment Agency. Another novelty and not the least, tenants of HLM housing will now be able to pay their heating charges to their lessor with their energy check.
How do I know if I am entitled to the energy check?
The energy check is in principle intended for poorest households, or around 20% of the French population. The aid is allocated based on the reference tax income (RFR) per consumption unit (CU). Note that the value of a family’s consumption unit is calculated this way: “the first person in the household counts for 1 UC, the second for 0.5 UC and the following for 0.3 UC”, indicates the Public Service website. Furthermore, the value of this unit is reduced by half for minor children who are dependent on the parents. To find out if you are entitled to the energy check, a simulator allows you to check your eligibility. here is the link of the online simulator on the site
To benefit from the energy check, there is no action to take. It is the French tax administration which is responsible for listing the beneficiaries who meet the eligibility conditions. Then, the check is automatically sent to the beneficiaries. For any questions, do not hesitate to contact the energy check assistance on 0 805 204 805 (Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., free call).