On Thursday, gigantic news broke out of the alpine skiing world, when a 23-year-old Norwegian Lucas Braathen said that he will return to the competitive slopes as a Brazilian national team athlete.
Braathen, who won the slalom overall competition at the World Cup last season, announced the end of his sports career only half a year ago. The reason behind the decision was seen to be a dispute with the Norwegian Skiing Association. The Norwegian athlete, known as the color spot of alpine skiing, had disagreements with his association regarding, among other things, marketing and image rights.
At that time, Braathen stated that he had lost his joy in alpine skiing.
– I also have to admit that I’m interested to see if I can ever make the season more special, he referred to winning the overall slalom competition.
Braathen’s intentions to return have been speculated for a long time, as he has been seen training with, among others, the World Cup medalist, the Greek By AJ Guinness with. The return in Brazilian colors is not a big surprise in itself, because Braathen’s mother is Brazilian.
However, Braathen’s new representative country brings a new edge to international alpine skiing, as Brazil is not known as the real cradle of winter sports.
Working in his country’s sports committee Bruna Moura guessed according to VG that there are about 50 athletes in Brazil who compete at a fairly high level in various winter sports.
– Lucas can contribute to our development when our union gets more attention. It leads to better support and sponsors, Moura believed, according to VG.
Training outside Brazil
Having won five World Cup competitions, Braathen is an important name especially for the entire international alpine skiing. The athlete, who has a reputation as a personable athlete, has attracted attention, among other things, with his dressing.
Urheilu’s alpine skiing expert Marcus Sandells stated immediately after Braathen’s retirement that the Norwegian will return to the Games in the colors of Brazil.
– I laughed out loud then that it would be amazing to have a Brazilian alpine skier win the World Cup, Olympic gold and World Championship gold. That’s what he will do, as well as being a member of Urheilu’s alpine skiing expert guard Kalle Palander remembers.
There are almost no sports conditions in Brazil. Training places can be found in South America, for example Argentina and Chile. Palander presents his assessment of how a Norwegian could organize his training.
– The Brazilian ski association certainly has almost no money. Nowadays, there are many teams that you can train with. He takes a couple of trainers, a physiotherapist and a maintenance man and might go to some global team with small country calculators.
It has been speculated that alpine skiing would move to a formula with professional stables, like road cycling. Red Bull is a big supporter of Braathen.
– When Red Bull goes big in sports, it can do that, Palander refers to the team system.
Swiss Marco Odermatt and the United States Mikaela Shiffrin are the big superstars of alpine skiing. Among them, Odermatt is really superior these days, but Palander regrets that the 26-year-old Swiss does not have the charisma he needs.
– Even though Odermatt is a stimulant, alpine skiing requires it Alberto Tomban and by Bode Miller such persons. That’s what Braathen is.
In the VG story, Moura makes a wild estimate that two percent of the country’s population has tried skiing at least once in their lifetime. That means 4.3 million people, so not far from the entire population of Norway.
Palander reminds that in alpine skiing, athletes have been seen before under the flag of exotic countries. He sees that representing Bralilia is a clear win for the Norwegian Ski Association.
– That’s a great demonstration for other athletes that you can do that too.
However, Palander points out that Braathen’s return will not be completely uncomplicated. According to Palander, he will lose all his FIS points, which means a really bad starting place.
– His starting number will be somewhere between 60 and 70. It will have a hellish effect, because he has to go so far away, says Palander.