Voting underway for what was predicted to be a surprise US Super Tuesday | Foreign countries

Voting underway for what was predicted to be a surprise

Primaries are held in 15 states and American Samoa.

Voting is currently underway on the single most significant day of the US primary spring, the so-called Super Tuesday.

Primaries are held in 15 states and American Samoa. So far, the Super Tuesday voting results have gone exactly as predicted in advance.

Super Tuesday primaries for Democrats and Republicans:

Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia

Republican caucus: Alaska

Election meeting with both parties: American Samoa

Election meeting with Democrats: Iowa

Democratic primary, Republican caucus: Utah

A sitting president Joe Biden has not been seriously challenged from within his own party, and early on Wednesday morning Finnish time he had won, as expected, in all Democratic state primaries for which voting results have been obtained. The same was true of the Republicans to Donald Trump. Trump’s last challenger Nikki Haley’s success was already weak in the primaries organized before Super Tuesday.

In practice, the candidates of both parties – Republicans and Democrats – are therefore clear: a rematch of the November presidential election between Biden, 81, and Republican Trump, 77.

Even a fifth of all US voters have announced that they would not like to vote for Biden or Trump in the upcoming presidential elections. For this reason, in November, attention will be focused especially on voting activity. At that time, the number of people who abstained in protest could decide who is the next president of the United States.

The news is updated.

STT, AFP, Reuters
