French fencing in the middle of a “disaster film scenario”

French fencing in the middle of a disaster film scenario

Paris (AFP) – Between the waltz of the coaches, the positive test of Ysaora Thibus and the questioning of the management of its ex-president, French fencing, expected to be a major provider of medals during the 2024 Olympics, is going through more ordeals than the Olympic fortnight.

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The crisis looms at all levels: on the track that Thibus, foil world champion (2022), will have difficulty treading; in management, with the departure of Hugues Obry, third coach to leave in less than a year; at its summit where the former president, Bruno Gares, was the subject of a report to the public prosecutor for suspicion of embezzlement.

Suspended since February 8 after a positive test for ostarine – classified as an anabolic agent – Thibus (32 years old) hopes to prove contamination, which could save her presence during the Games in Paris (July 26 – August 11).

This file is nevertheless a massive blow for French fencing, already exposed to months of revolt from its headliners, the Olympic champion Romain Cannone in the lead, which led to the resignation of Obry at the head of the fencing. male sword. His deputy Gauthier Grumier replaces him, the Federation told AFP on Friday.

With the departure of Obry, the FFE renounces its emblematic coach, whom it had repatriated at great expense from China thanks to credits from the National Sports Agency to shine under the dome of the Grand Palais.

The episode comes only five months after the decision to maintain Obry, following the stormy debriefing of the World Championships in Milan, where the results fell short of expectations (6 medals) last summer. A ” real break », According to a person close to the actors.

Unprecedented federal crisis »

Months of delay linked to “ an unprecedented federal crisis and almost a disaster movie scenario », According to a member of the steering committee close to the opposition, who refers in particular to the unexpected resignation, at the head of the federation, of Bruno Gares.

The former president claims to have left the body for “personal reasons”. Brigitte Saint-Bonnet, appointed after her departure, points out, “ elements provided by the treasurer (of the federation) on an expenditure operation » concerning him, according to comments reported by 20minutes.

Brigitte Saint-Bonnet estimates that “ around 10,000 euros ” THE ” costs not corresponding to the mission » by Bruno Gares in a draft of the minutes of the steering committee of December 2, cited by the daily and consulted by AFP.

Administrative errors were made unintentionally », justifies Bruno Gares, to the AFP, judging this sum “ totally whimsical “. The 10,000 euros mentioned represent “ all of my expensess”, he adds, specifying that “ the amounts owed have been reimbursed » at the FFE.

Following a report, the Federation had been the subject of a general inspection mission (IGESR) of the Ministry of Sports for several months. It referred the matter to the public prosecutor for facts concerning the ex-president under article 40 of the code of criminal procedure, a source close to the Federation told AFP.

Six weapons, three starts

As if that were not enough, on the management side, Obry’s departure is far from being the only one: of the six arms, half have changed bosses in one year. The general manager of the Sabers, Vincent Anstett, was ousted in May before being hired by Egypt. At the start of the school year, the two best French sabers, Maxime Pianfetti and Sébastien Patrice, however chose to continue training with him.

Five months later, the Federation still refuses to allow Vincent Anstett to coach them in competition. “ It won’t change between now and the Games », Warns vice-president Grégory Lafon, interviewed by AFP. “ You cannot be the national coach of Egypt and also coach French shooters.. »

Another departure in the meantime, the boss of the women’s foil Lionel Plumenail, in silver in Milan.

In the high-level millefeuille, in addition to the director of the French teams, there is a position of director of high performance, occupied by Frantz Philippe, on sick leave since a conventional termination was offered to him in September.

In the epee, after Obry’s departure, can tensions ease? Romain Cannone and Alexandre Bardenet, who have mainly been training at their club since the start of the school year, must, for example, leave at their own expense for the Budapest Grand Prix next weekend.

This is not a sanction at all from the Federation », assures Grégory Lafon. “ Between two and four shooters are supported at each competition and it turns out.”
