Why are we bloated just before our period?

Why are we bloated just before our period

Do you feel tight in your pants a few days before your period arrives? Having trouble closing the button? That’s why.

Swollen breasts, irritability, abdominal pain… Some signs are harbingers of the imminent arrival of periods. Abdominal bloating is also part of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). But why is the stomach swollen before menstruation? Discover the causes and anti-bloating tips with Dr. Elizabeth Paganelli, gynecologist.

A physiological phenomenon

Abdominal bloating before menstruation is quite a phenomenon benign, but sometimes annoying. “Before menstruation, the body secretes a large amount of estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen increases the permeability of capillaries, which are the small blood vessels. One of the hypotheses is that water comes out of the capillaries present in the colon, which promotes swelling of the belly, explains Dr. Paganelli. During the cycle, a hormonal peak occurs after ovulation, so as to modify the uterus to nest an egg if one is produced. During pregnancy, a high amount of estrogen and progesterone is secreted, which is why edema may persist. Otherwise, 10 to 14 days after ovulation, edema decreases as well as bloating.”

Bloating on the pill

Women who take an oral contraceptive like the pill may also experience bloating. When taking a pill for 21 days, bloating-like symptoms may appear two or three days after stopping the pill. Hormonal secretion decreases and periods arrive. “In case of micro-pill, there is no real menstrual cycle, and therefore, the patient does not have bloating cycles,” continues Dr. Paganelli.

A slowed transit

We know that estrogen and progesterone tend to cause more fluid to pass through the blood capillaries. If water comes out of the vessels in the colon, transit may be impacted. As progesterone tends to slow down transit, constipation may appear. However, the opposite can also happen, with the appearance of diarrhea” explains the gynecologist.

Bloating is rarely a reason for consultation. If they are recurring and annoying for the patient, an appointment with the doctor is obviously recommended. If the bloating are accompanied by other symptoms – intense abdominal pain, stoppage of gas, constipation, vomiting, persistent hiccups, jaundice – a rapid consultation is required. “Firstly, you need to identify the causes of bloating in order to reassure yourself. Before menstruation, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. Knowing your body and accepting its physiology allows you to avoid medicalizing bloating” advises Dr. Paganelli. To avoid bloating before your period, it is better:

► Have sufficient consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, essential for maintaining good health. They must be associated with slow sugars, such as white rice and white pasta. In fact, fiber promotes bloating, so it is preferable toavoid eating whole grains in case of bloating before menstruation, or evenpeel fruits and vegetables.

► Reduce your salt intake, which retains water in the body.

► Avoid certain fermented foods such as cabbage, onion or beans. Likewise, if you notice that a food promotes bloating, avoid it.

► In case of edema, you can consume plants in the form of herbal teas, such as fennel, Roman chamomile

► Massage your stomach with a peppermint essential oil (always mixed with vegetable oil).

► Hydrate properly every day.

► Practice regular physical activity such as walking, swimming, pilates, yoga or dancing. Physical activity helps maintain good intestinal transit and helps reduce bloating.

► Act on stress, which can impact the digestive system in general. Here again, there are many relaxing methods: reading a book, acupuncture, relaxing bath, meditation…

► Wear comfortable clothing, especially around the waist.

Anti-bloating medication? As said previously, bloating before periods most often has a physiological origin. “The prescription of medication will therefore only be necessary in the event of an underlying pathology..” If the bloating is really bothersome, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
