Attal “ready” to make “difficult decisions” – L’Express

the government puts pressure on the strikers – LExpress

Gabriel Attal warned this Friday, March 1, that he was “ready” to make “difficult decisions” to “encourage work” and achieve full employment, while the government is considering a new reform of unemployment insurance.

During a trip to the Vosges, the Prime Minister indicated that he would convene “in mid-March” a government seminar “dedicated to the question of work” to in particular “prepare the major decisions” to be taken in this area. For three months, the executive has demonstrated its desire to further tighten unemployment insurance rights, after two controversial reforms to this effect in 2019 and 2023.

READ ALSO: Unemployment: “A big shock will take place in 2025 with the France Travail reform”

“This path towards full employment, (…) we have not yet completed it,” affirmed Gabriel Attal at the headquarters of the Numalliance company, in Saint-Michel-sur-Meurthe, once again hoping that the work “pays better and always more than inactivity”. “This will require difficult decisions and we are ready to make them,” added the head of government.

“Accelerate” France Travail controls

Accompanied by Ministers Catherine Vautrin (Labour) and Roland Lescure (Industry), he previously went to the France Travail agency (formerly Pôle emploi) in Epinal where he spoke with unemployed people or income beneficiaries. of active solidarity (RSA) now conditional on hours of activity or training. “We will not give up as long as all those who can return to employment remain unemployed,” assured Gabriel Attal, defending the reform of the RSA, which should allow “to be better guided towards employment” thanks to 15 to 20 hours of training, internship, integration, in return for their allowance.

In total, in the 18 departments which experienced this reform, 21,300 RSA beneficiaries joined these “support pathways”. The number of departments concerned will increase to 47, before its generalization in 2025, he confirmed.

READ ALSO: Unemployment insurance: when employers hunt down false business creators

The reform is “colossal progress” according to the head of government: in the 5 months following their entry into a professional career, “one in two supported people found a job” whereas before the reform, “after seven years at the RSA , only one person in 10 has found lasting employment.

The Prime Minister wanted to “accelerate” France Travail’s checks on job seekers, particularly in professions in shortage, which will triple by 2027, going from 500,000 per year to 1.5 million. Gabriel Attal also welcomed a new assessment of the fight against “social fraud” which he had strengthened when he was Minister of the Budget: in 2023, “adjustments for undeclared work have reached nearly 1.2 billion ‘euros’, compared to 800 million in 2022. Eager to keep an eye on education, his former portfolio, Gabriel Attal placed, before leaving for Paris, a wreath on the grave of his distant predecessor Jules Ferry at the cemetery of the Côte Calot in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges.
