This love nickname is the most given in France

This love nickname is the most given in France

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty


    According to a survey conducted by Passage du Désir among 18,000 customers and Instagram subscribers, certain love nicknames are used more among couples. Find out which one is used the most.

    Tender, cute, endearing or sometimes (a little) ridiculous; love nicknames are all very different. Passage du Désir conducted a survey of 18,000 customers and Instagram subscribers to find out the most popular French nicknames. We reveal the results to you.

    Top 10 of the most given love nicknames in France

    According to the adult toy brand, the French use fairly “traditional” love nicknames. Discover the top 10:

    1. My love ;
    2. Cat ;
    3. My heart ;
    4. Baby ;
    5. Darling) ;
    6. Doudou ;
    7. Cabbage ;
    8. Bibou;
    9. Loulou;
    10. Pet

    If these nicknames don’t really stand out from the ordinary, some couples are much more inventive… Note for yourself those who favor “furry” nicknames: Warthog, my panda, my badger or even my gorilla. Not to mention those who use (and abuse) cow love: Ptit zizi, mon pudding, soft buttocks or even Ptit Prout! Friend of poetry…

    As for the favorite nicknames of the Passage du Désir brand, we let you discover the French map of regional nicknames which do not lack fantasy.


    Different nicknames depending on the generation

    If the timeless elements do not change, differences between generations are nevertheless visible. Thus, among baby boomers (1945-1965), “My heart” rose to first place among nicknames given and “Chéri(e)” in second place. For generation Z (1966-1980) it is also “My heart” which takes the No. 1 spot. Millennials (1981-1996) use “My Love” more widely and Gen Z (1997-2012) use “Chat”.

    10 proofs that you are falling in love

    Slide: 10 proofs that you are falling in love
