Here are the age groups that earn the most and the least in Sweden

Here are the age groups that earn the most and

New figures from Statistics Sweden show how much salary we get affected by a number of reasons. The latest survey shows that the salary differs greatly between different age groups. Among the most important factors are gender and which age group one belongs to.

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This is how salaries differ between age groups

The survey from Statistics Sweden contains a calculation of the average salary in the respective age groups. The average salary is calculated by adding all monthly salaries in an age group and then dividing the sum by the number of people in that group.

The result shows that middle-aged people have the highest salary. Those who are between 45-54 have an average salary of SEK 42,700. The figures show, however, that this group is facing a turnaround after they reach the age of 55, as wages instead go down. Over the years, the salary decreases and at 65 many people have a lower salary again. Then the average salary is instead 39,400 a month, which is 3,300 kroner less than before.

Christer Lundhprofessor and senior researcher at the University of Gothenburg, believes that the transition is nothing new.

– That’s probably how it has always looked. In any case, it is probably not an unusual pattern. It is a transition towards retirement. You usually earn the most in your fifties and then it decreases. You are on your way out of the labor market, says Lundh to GP.

Young people in the 18-24 age group earn the least. The average salary is SEK 27,700. On the other hand, there is reason for the younger people to be happy, because their salary increases rapidly in percentage terms.

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The expert: Discrimination common

Lundh also points out that there is a great deal of wage discrimination against women and the elderly in the Swedish labor market. In the 18-24 age group, the difference is SEK 1,500 a month between the sexes. Men in the age group 45-54 earn on average 15 percent more than their female colleagues. The salary is then SEK 45,800 in comparison with SEK 39,700.

– It is primarily married women who are discriminated against. It is related to the fact that if they are married, they will probably give birth to children and spend time with them. We have seen throughout the 20th century that unmarried women do not earn terribly much less than unmarried men, but the difference is precisely between married women and married men, says Lundh to GP.

He believes that the phenomenon is called the “marriage premium”. This means that men benefit from being married and having children, while the same thing negatively affects women’s careers.

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