why the Muslim establishment could close

why the Muslim establishment could close

The Minister of National Education announced Monday, in Les 4 Vérités de Télématin, her intention to close the establishment. Nicole Belloubet denounces a problem of “opaque financing” contrary to the law.

After the Averroès high school located in Lille, another Muslim educational establishment is in the government’s sights. Invited this Monday, February 26 in the morning to the plateau of 4 Truths of Telematin, on France 2, the new Minister of National Education, Nicole Belloubet, expressed her desire to close the Avicenne college, based in Nice. Opened in 2015, this establishment is, according to the minister, “not very clear about its sources of financing”, which is “contrary to the 2021 law, the anti-separatism law”. Nicole Belloubet even denounced “opaque financing”. The Minister of National Education affirmed that “on several occasions”, the establishment had been contacted in writing, but that “the responses were not satisfactory”.

What about the students currently enrolled in this establishment? Rest assured, they will be able to return to class at the end of the winter holidays. “We will announce the closure with a staggered implementation [à septembre] to be able to take care of the students”, said Nicole Belloubet on Monday morning. In the event that the establishment closes permanently, because for the moment nothing says that there will be no recourse to prevent the closure, the Hundreds of students from Avicenna college, divided into four classes ranging from 6th to 3rd grade, will be relocated elsewhere.

During a press conference organized Monday morning, the rector of the Nice academy, Natacha Chicot, stressed that the problem was indeed the “legality of the financing”, and not the teaching provided there. who is implicated. And to insist: “At this stage, there has never been an alert about recruitment or radicalization phenomena.”
