“Makes for the worst games”

Quickplay mode in League of Legends replaced Blind Pick. But some players see no point in the mode and believe that Quickplay makes for the worst games.

What is the goal of Quickplay? League of Legends introduced Quickplay mode on the live servers at the end of 2023. Quickplay (German: Schnelles Spiel) is a new queue that has replaced the blind pick and allows players to get a quicker start into the game.

In Quickplay there is no champion selection (picking phase), you select the two roles and champions you want in the lobby before you enter the queue. This means you always get one of the two selected roles/champions – so no risk of autofill.

This was intended to address some of the issues that existed with Blind Pick, such as toxic behavior and conflict during Champ Select. The mode often caused frustration due to the limited time in champion selection and the coordination of team composition and lanes. For example, because of Insta-Locks, which meant that the other players had to adapt – which also made it more difficult for beginners.

Overall, the mode should be suitable if you just want to play quickly and easily – without the idea of ​​competition. But some players see no point in Quickplay and are of the opinion that the mode results in the worst quality games.

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Players criticize the quality of the matches when they play Quickplay

Now where is the problem? The post on Reddit from February 23rd by user “DwyaneDerozan” sparked a discussion among players. In the title he writes: Quickplay has produced some of the worst quality games I’ve ever played.

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In the post, DwyaneDerozan expresses his dissatisfaction with the quality of games he experienced in League of Legends’ Quickplay mode. He describes them as some of the worst games he has ever played. Among the many problems, he points out that about half of the games are remakes, while a significant portion of players have not consciously determined their summoner spells beforehand.

He also criticizes the Elo difference in the games, which often leads to unequal games that end after just 10 minutes because everyone gives up. For example: A Diamond midlaner versus a Bronze support main in the midlane. “I tried to give this mode a chance because I want to play games quickly and hate ARAM, but it’s just unplayable,” he writes.

What do other players say? He’s probably not alone in that. The post contains numerous comments from players who are apparently also dissatisfied. Many would pretty much just pick the same champion, especially if it’s new.

We have summarized a few comments for you:

  • TheDiscoSailor describes the situation: Smolder Top Smolder Mid Smolder Support Smolder Jungle Yorick adc.
  • Cymes_Inferior writes: I’ve played it a few times and I’m sure I’ll never do it again. I had the same experience as you. It’s literally like someone tried to intentionally make the experience terrible.
  • TechnalityPulse sees it more soberly: Yes, I know, Quickplay is just that – fast. It is not designed to be the most balanced game mode at every level. […]
  • Domestic_Kraken’s Opinion: I agree that Quickplay is about practicing, not winning, but the Quickplay matches are often so terrible that you can’t even practice effectively. […]
  • What do you think of Quickplay? Do you want changes or are you satisfied? Or do you even wish Blind Pick was back? Feel free to write it to us in the comments.

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