Here are the reasons behind Piteå’s bad air – worst for the children

Piteå municipality’s vision is to have 8,000 more residents by 2040. But it also has to grow sustainably. Therefore, they have started a project that they call “Easy to do right, Piteå should grow in a sustainable way.”

On its way to 50,000 inhabitants, the municipality wants to keep track of the air quality that has exceeded the limit values ​​for particles.

– Air measurements have been taken since 2004 and continuously since 2019, says project manager Frida Pettersson, Piteå municipality.

Too many harmful particles

The limit for harmful particles in the air of the PM10 variety is 35 days in a year. During 2020, Piteå had too high a particle content for 39 days.

It is mainly during April and November that extra high concentrations are measured.

– It can come from cars braking with winter tires, industries or wood burning, explains Frida Pettersson.

The children most vulnerable

The work to bring down the levels of the health-damaging particles continues. Namely, it is the future that risks being hit the most.

– Particles are the air pollution that causes the greatest health problems among people and children are particularly vulnerable, says Åsa Wikman, head of environment and health protection in Piteå municipality.

In the video, Frida Pettersson talks about why children are particularly vulnerable.
