School, Anief takes stock of mobility and relaunches the reasons for the agreement with the Ministry

Rinnovo contratto Pacifico ANIEF andava firmato per vari motivi nel

(Finance) – The school union Anief recalls that the agreement on mobility of the school staff, reached yesterday at the Ministry, concerns the current CCNI (Supplementary National Collective Agreement), therefore it is in force and valid for three years until next year, when it can be updated for the next three years. “With the agreement signed yesterday we have only updated the innovations of the new CCNL which allows the restrictions to be waived in some particular situations”, he recalls Marcello Pacifico.

As for the exemptions obtained in past years by law, Anief will continue to urge Parliament to make changesas he did until the end with the presentation of amendments to the Milleproroghe decree.

Following the signing of the proposed CCNL 2019/2021 by Anief together with the other trade unions, from which only the UIL withdrew, it is worth remembering the normative history of teaching staff mobility. The matter was regulated by the Consolidated Law of 1994 (Legislative Decree 297/94) which provides for three-year interprovincial and provincial transfers and role changes on quotas of places reserved by supplementary bargaining and annual provisional assignments (AP). In 2011, Parliament approved law 106/11 which introduced the five-year restriction for all mobility and also AP. With law 128/2013, Anief convinces Parliament to reduce the block to three years.
In 2015, law 107/2015 confirms the three-year block while the five-year block remains by contract for support teachers only, referring to a legislative decree (legislative decree 59/17) which will be modified several times to date. Between 2018 and 2019, law 145/2018 and law 159/2019 reintroduce the five-year restriction with the agreement between CGIL/FLC, SNALS, CISL, UIL, GILDA with Minister Bussetti on recruitment and transfers for 2019 and with Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti in 2020, then implemented in supplementary negotiations.

The young union continues its battle alone against constraints also appealing to court and with law 106/2021 convinces the legislator to return to the original provision of the three-year bond (always with the unfortunately inclusion of the AP) but with distinctions depending on the hiring procedures. The unions CGIL/FLC, SNALS, CISL, UIL, GILDA comply by signing a supplementary contract which always provides for the progressive reduction of the quotas on transfers (up to 25%), while Udir obtains for the principals the passage to 70% of the quotas of reserve but with USR clearance. In recent times, the law 79/2022 introduced, with the 2022/2023 appointments, a new three-year commitment to stay in the same educational institution after the requests of the European Commission on the PNRR and teaching continuity, implemented by a supplementary contract signed by the CISL alone, but Anief obtains in law 74/2023 that this constraint will apply to all appointments in any capacity made starting from 2023 /2024, effectively postponing its application for a year.

At this point, Anief signs an agreement for the first time which plans for this year exemption from the restrictions also for new fixed-term hires and finally the hypothesis of a CCNL in which it is expected (given the legislation) to derogate in the next supplementary negotiation for cases of parenting, disability and assistance, despite the specious controversies, while UDIR gets by law it is 100% movement of seats on the mobility of principals in the next two years and without authorization. The agreement signed yesterday will allow some with children up to 12 years old, 104 and caregivers to be able to move immediately without waiting for Parliament. To further derogate from the restrictions or to eliminate them, it will always be necessary to act in Parliament without waiting for the next three-year CCNI which in any case cannot go against the law.

“If what is written responds to the facts, history teaches that if they exist only two unions that fought against the constraints always achieving something with consistency and these are called Anief and Udir“, reiterates Pacifico, concluding “the specious controversies should now be clarified unless ignorance or bad faith continues. We we will continue at the contractual tables and in Parliament to ask for changes to protect the right to a family as well as the right to work and guarantee equal treatment for new hires in the coming years. We only ask for trust, honesty, faith and trade union commitment from everyone”..
