TikTok opened its useful music feature to Turkey as well

TikTok opened its useful music feature to Turkey as well

It is one of the largest social platforms of today and continues to grow. TikTokalso brought its useful music feature to Turkey. opened.

Now, users in 160 different countries, including Turkey, can easily enjoy the music they hear/discover on TikTok. Able to transfer to services such as Apple Music, Amazon Music or Spotify. The platform, where one or more beautiful music is discovered almost every day, will provide people with a huge time saving with this transfer feature. The platform is going through a good period in terms of music these days. TikTok It is a platform with music at its core and has signed many different legal agreements on this subject. One of the names that are understood in this regard is one of the largest music companies in the world. Universal Music Group (UMG). However, in recent weeks, it turned out that the two were at odds because UMG did not like the new agreement terms that came to the table. UMG, TikTok He said that his current agreement with the company will end on January 31, and in the statement made by the company on this subject, “TikTok and UMG were unable to agree on terms for a new agreement and will stop licensing content to TikTok and its “Music” services upon expiration of the current agreement.” It was said.


In this respect, “He tried to force us to accept a deal that was worth much less than the previous deal, which was much lower than what TikTok should be worth and did not reflect its rapid growth (in terms of revenue) at all.” UGM also made the statement: He wants to make more money from the music he licenses. and at the same time He also demanded protection against artificial intelligence-generated music..

It was wondered what kind of agreement the two would reach at the final stage, as we learned later. No agreement was reached at the final stage. Because of this, TikTok lost legal access to Universal Music Group’s music, and music by famous names such as Taylor Swift, Drake and Olivia Rodrigo began to be withdrawn from the platform. started.
