A “perfect storm” of threats to Sweden

A perfect storm of threats to Sweden


A perfect storm. This is how FRA’s director general describes the many different threats that have coincided with Sweden in the agency’s annual report for 2023.

– It has been a year of more serious threats than ever really, says Björn Lyrvall.

Continued war in Ukraine and increased terrorist threats against Sweden led to a sharp increase in demand for signals intelligence from the Defense Radio Agency (FRA) last year.

It concerns, among other things, the security situation around the Baltic Sea linked to the war, the increased terrorist threat, continued influence and disinformation campaigns and cyber attacks against Swedish interests.

– It has been an unusually intense year, caused by the fact that we have had more serious threats than before, says Björn Lyrvall.

Support for Säpo and Noa

This is made clear by the fact that all clients for FRA’s signals intelligence activities: the government, the Armed Forces, the Security Police and the police’s national operational department (Noa), have requested more reporting and support than before.

Demand for the authority’s other mission – the work to strengthen cyber security in the country – has also risen.

FRA has, among other things, reported on troop movements and air operations to the Armed Forces, and to the Security Police provided support that contributed to “eliminating serious threats” in several cases, according to Lyrvall.

Growing authority

The number of employees at FRA has increased by 25 percent in a few years and today around 1,000 people work at the authority, which will continue to grow. The proposed budget allocation goes from 1.9 billion in 2023 to 3 billion in 2026.

Lyrvall says that the authority has strict procedures to ensure that the “wrong” people are not hired in line with the increased intelligence threat.

– We have procedures for that and how to be considered for employment at this authority that are accurate and rigorous, and we have strengthened to be able to receive more staff.

The issue became relevant when it emerged last autumn that a female employee at FRA was suspected of grossly unauthorized positions with secret information. She has later left her employment.

– It is of course very serious that a former employee is suspected of such a serious crime. The investigation continues, so I cannot comment much more, says Lyrvall.

FACTS The Defense Radio Agency

The Defense Radio Agency (FRA) works with signals intelligence and forms part of Sweden’s intelligence service. The authority is civilian and reports to the Ministry of Defence.

FRA obtains information from other countries through signals intelligence operations on order from the government, the government office, the Armed Forces, the Security Police and the National Operative Department within the police (Noa).

FRA also plays a central role in Swedish cyber defense and provides support for anti-terrorist work.

FRA was formed in 1942 after the Defense Staff’s parts for signals intelligence and crypto-forcing were separated into an independent authority.

The headquarters is on Lovön just west of Stockholm.

Source: FRA

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