Therefore, the new climate can boost ski tourism in the north

Cenk Demiroglu is a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography at Umeå University. He has studied climate change and ski tourism for many years.

That snow conditions in the Alps have changed is obvious from any telecast from any of the skiing disciplines. The question is how the tourist flows will change.

Want to lift the cold and darkness

There are opportunities to at least get some to steer north, believes Cenk Dmiroglu. But there are challenges and it is important to turn them to one’s advantage.

This includes, for example, the darkness and cold that prevail during a large part of the ski season in northern Sweden.

– You can market it as part of the Arctic experience, he says.

Here are the toughest challenges

There are other difficulties for the ski facilities in northern Sweden that are all the more challenging.

In the clip, Cenk Damiroglu tells more about these.
