The S-leader defends criticism of right-wing debater

The S leader defends criticism of right wing debater



full screen The Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson receives criticism. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

S-leader Magdalena Andersson has received harsh criticism because she, as a top politician, jumped on an individual right-wing debater with a large following on YouTube.

But in an interview on Sveriges Radio’s P1 Morgon, she stands her ground.

– I’m just saying that I think it’s important that when you pass on information, that you also keep track of what is the basis for it. This is not an individual debater, just anyone, it is the case that even the prime minister has been on his program, so it is a high-profile debater, she tells the radio channel.

The criticism is aimed at the entrepreneur and debater Henrik Jönsson.

The origin of the quarrel, where Magdalena Andersson thus received harsh criticism in leading positions in several bourgeois newspapers and also from the Minister of Civil Affairs Carl-Oskar Bohlin, is about the former Social Democratic Prime Minister in an interview in Dagens Nyheter questioning who finances Henrik Jönsson.

The topic of the interview was Russian influence campaigns before the EU elections and that information is spread on social media. The criticism against Andersson, which also comes from her own ranks, is that she indirectly mixes up Henrik Jönsson’s public opinion formation with Russian influence campaigns.

“Coming up with difficult-to-interpret hints without evidence damages the political conversation”, writes, for example, the social democrat and political scientist Ulf Bjereld on X.
