Volkswagen; “Electric cars are already selling out”

Volkswagen Electric cars are already selling out

1647883688 937 Volkswagen Electric cars are already selling out

With the combination of production disruptions and high demand, order intakes for many models on the Volkswagen front have been closed.

With the start of production in Tesla’s factory in Germany, European manufacturers’ moves on the electric car side are gaining momentum as expected. Having achieved successful results in a short time in this transformation with the ID.3, Volkswagen is determined to stay in the race with an ambitious product range that starts from the passenger car at the end of the 2-year period and includes the SUV and finally the commercial side. The Germany-based manufacturer, which has achieved a significant increase in hybrid and all-electric vehicle sales in 2021, wants to keep its share higher with other brands in the group such as Seat, Skoda, Cupra, Audi and Porsche. The Russia-Ukraine war, which has been on the world agenda for the last month, has caused disruptions in all members of the group. For this reason, Volkswagen, which goes to production breaks in the factories, is already in a poor position due to the high interest on the user side. Financial Services Officer Arno Antlitz, who made statements on the subject, stated that all production stocks in some models were exhausted by 2023.

1647883688 937 Volkswagen Electric cars are already selling out


Volkswagen; “profitability on the electric car side is faster than expected”

It is also emphasized by Arno Antlitz that the supply of cable systems, which started with the effect of the war with the chip crisis, had a very serious effect on meeting the demands. about the process BloombergAntlitz told . “With the transformation, some expectations and targets were set on paper. Within the framework of electric models, the profitability share obtained from the first stages was captured in a shorter time than expected. The main reason for this is the high demand. For some vehicles within the group, order taking is closed until 2023. Many of those that are open to order also have long delivery times.” he said.


Drawing attention to the increase in raw material prices, the successful manager states that this price increase is one of the biggest barriers to gearing up. It seems that the raw material effect, which will directly cause an increase in vehicle prices, will cause Volkswagen to skip some markets in the short term, where it will offer its electric models. It will not be surprising that this “pass-through” process will affect countries with very small electricity markets, such as Turkey. The brand recently closed its order intake for all hybrid models due to supply problems arising from the war.

