Putin: Better Biden than Trump

Putin Better Biden than Trump

Updated 01.34 | Published 01.13




full screen Russian President Vladimir Putin has told who he would most like to see as the next President of the United States. Archive image. Photo: Sergei Karpukhin/AP/TT

Russian President Vladimir Putin thinks incumbent US President Joe Biden is more “predictable” than challenger Donald Trump but is prepared to work with both.

Putin was interviewed on Russian state television on Wednesday. When asked which of the two Putin would prefer as the winner of the presidential election in the United States this fall, he answered Joe Biden.

– He has more experience. He is predictable and a politician of the old school, Vladimir Putin said according to AFP.

81-year-old Joe Biden’s memory capacity has been called into question recently after he mixed up people and countries. Putin was also asked questions about Biden’s age and health, but he waved them off.

– When I met Biden three years ago, people were already talking about his shortcomings, but I didn’t see any of that, said the Russian president.

However, Putin is not completely satisfied with Biden and above all not with the US’s current foreign policy.

– The political position of the current administration is extremely harmful and wrong, said Vladimir Putin.
