“You can buy Palworld for that”

In Diablo 4 you can now buy skins for your portals, but Blizzard has exaggerated the price and angered players.

What’s with the portals? When you use Diablo 4’s fast travel, you travel back and forth between different waypoints using a portal. These portals are usually blue. However, now Blizzard has introduced a cosmetic pack that contains skins for exactly these portals.

With the package you get access to five different portals in different colors. However, these portals are each tied to a specific class.

  • the green portal is for the necromancer
  • the purple-pink portal is for the hunter
  • the yellow portal is for the druid
  • the blue portal is for the wizard
  • the red portal is for the druid
  • The package costs 29.99 euros and, in addition to the five portals, also contains 1,000 platinum, the premium currency of Diablo 4. For 1,000 platinum you would have to pay 9.99 euros in the D4 shop if you buy the currency without portal skins wanted.

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    Players complain about the prices of portal skins

    What does the community say? Diablo 4 players have often complained about the prices Blizzard charges for cosmetic content, and the new Portal skin pack has also been criticized.

    Many players on Reddit find the price far too high, even if you get 1,000 platinum with a theoretical value of 9.99 euros when you buy it – especially because the skins are tied to a class.

  • “Diablo 4 is a AAA title that already costs $60-100. And these portals are cool, but they should be in the game by default, for free.”
  • “Since Blizzard realized they could make more money from in-game cosmetics, the quality of their games has rapidly declined.”
  • “I probably would have even bought them if they weren’t class-locked so I could switch between them from time to time. But as? Nope.”
  • Some players also look at other games like Palworld and Path of Exile to give additional weight to their lack of understanding about the high prices

  • “They have the pricing of Path of Exile, but without the F2P or fun.”
  • “You can buy Palworld for that.”
  • “Considering what you get for $70 in D4 and $70 in PoE[Path of Exile]it’s clear that D4 is the true champion of bullshit.” [PathofExilebekommtistklardassD4derwahreChampiondesBullshitsist“
  • In general, you can buy various really high-quality games for €30. In addition to Palworld, Hades and Grim Dawn are also available on Steam.

    For just a few euros more you can also buy Last Epoch, which is one of Diablo 4’s biggest competitors and will be leaving early access on February 21st.

    You can read more about Last Epoch here: New competition for Diablo 4 on Steam is a hit even before it is released – but that worries some players
