The “Courthouse employees quit smoking” event was organized in cooperation with the Provincial Health Directorate and Samsun Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. At the event, courthouse employees were first administered the Fagerström cigarette addiction scale and then the carbon monoxide measuring device. The personnel whose values were high were directed to the relevant physician, warned to quit smoking, and the path to follow was determined.
While the carbon monoxide rate in the lungs was checked with a carbon monoxide measuring device at the event, it was surprising to see that the rate of a passive smoker was higher than some smokers. While the carbon monoxide rate in the lungs of some citizens who smoke at regular intervals is 2 or 3, the ‘passive smoking’ of Ömer Selân (44), who has never smoked throughout his life, is described as ‘passive smoking’. It was astonishing that his lungs produced 5 percent of carbon monoxide as a result of exposure to the so-called smoke. The healthcare professionals who made the measurement and other people around said, “In non-smokers, we generally have the highest values of 1-2.” Secondhand smoke is as effective in poisoning as smoking. “There are smokers whose carbon monoxide level is lower than yours” expressions were used.
Although he does not smoke, Ömer Sel, who was surprised by the rate in his lungs, said, “My carbon monoxide level was 5. My ratio was at this level without smoking. I have never smoked in my life. With this ratio, I reached the peak of passive smoking. I urgently need to get away from smokers around me. My value was higher than even some smokers. Everyone should stay away from smokers. “Even for me, this rate was 5, as if I were a smoker,” he said.
Stating that smoking personnel harm both their own health and the institution they work for, Samsun Chief Public Prosecutor Mehmet Sabri Kılıç said, “Samsun Ä°l Health” With the support of the Directorate of Public Health, we will support our staff and colleagues in quitting smoking. We will enable them to take the first step today. Smoking has many harms. Smokers also have to go outside and smoke because they cannot smoke indoors. This causes loss of time, loss of workforce and loss of morale. In fact, in my opinion, it violates people’s rights. Because while you are outside smoking, your other colleague has to complete the work you left behind. Therefore, it also disrupts the working peace. It’s a waste of time, a waste of labor, and is also harmful to health. Our ancestors also summarized a very nice saying about cigarettes: “The wind takes your smoke, takes your money, and you leave the loss.” “Therefore, hopefully, we will take this good step today with the support of our Health Directorate,” he said.
If the president of the public service services, the head of the public service services, will be the first to explain the damages of the cigarettes. We will tell them how to get rid of addiction. We will do a respiratory function test. We will measure their carbon monoxide. We will provide support to people according to the scale we apply. We will invite you to our smoking cessation clinics. “We will follow them afterwards,” he said.
Experts say that while the carbon monoxide rate in the lungs is 1-2, it is considered risky, between 5 and 10, ‘you should quit smoking’, and 10 and above, you should ‘quit smoking urgently’. It is described by.
It was stated that smoking cessation activities will be implemented in different institutions at different times.