Tobias Dibén was in the middle of Oceana when the fire broke out

For about two weeks he had been working inside Liseberg’s new water park, Oceana, and there would be more – he thought. Suddenly, black smoke billowed into the room.

– No one really understood what had happened, maybe they thought it was a fire, but you couldn’t understand the extent or how bad it was until later, says Tobias Dibén.

Fewer than usual on the construction site

The sports holiday had just started and on that particular day there were extra few people working in Oceana, estimated to be around 20 to 30 people, Dibén guesses.

– We were in there and saw the flames from the outside. It almost hurt the lungs to breathe in the air, and then there was a loud bang and there was a very high pressure, he says and continues:

– But everyone acted very calmly. We put on our shoes and went out.

Reactions after the fire at Oceana

It wasn’t until later, when he saw photos and videos of the fire, that he understood its extent.

– It’s unreal in retrospect. Now and then some people were sad when their work was destroyed, but when you heard that a person is missing, that’s all you think about, of course.
