Jamal El-Haj becomes a political savage – leaves the Social Democrats

Jamal El-Haj leaves the Social Democrats – but remains in the Riksdag as a political savage.
He writes that in a letter to the party, according to
The evening paper.
– Today’s decision is the most painful I have had to make in my entire adult life, writes El-Haj.

Jamal El-Haj leaves the Social Democrats after widespread criticism.

But he will not leave the Riksdag. Instead, he becomes a political savage, reports The evening paper referring to a letter El-Haj sent to the Social Democrats.

– I will keep my seat in the Riksdag. It would not be right towards our voters and Swedish democracy to leave my position, writes El-Haj in the letter.

Jamal El-Haj hereby becomes the Social Democrats’ first savage.

Hallengren: “Unacceptable”

The Social Democrats’ group leader Lena Hallengren is strongly critical of El-Haj staying in the Riksdag.

“This is an unacceptable action by Jamal El-Haj and further proof that he puts his own interests before those of the party,” she says in a comment to TT.

She believes that if you are not a member of the Social Democrats, you should not get a place in the party’s Riksdag group either.

Andersson: “Trust is broken”

It was last Friday that the party announced that it lacks confidence in Jamal El-Haj and he was asked to leave his post as member of parliament.

The background is partly that the member participated in a criticized Palestinian conference last year, but also that he allegedly tried to influence an asylum case in favor of an imam who allegedly lectured in an extremist-linked mosque.

On Saturday, party leader Magdalena Andersson said that she is disappointed and that she assumes that El-Haj will leave his parliamentary seat.

– My leadership philosophy is quite simple. We are all humans. People can make mistakes. We sometimes make bad decisions. But if it happens repeatedly, you get to a point where trust is broken, she said in Nyhetsmorgon.

TV4 News is looking for Jamal El-Haj.

Last Saturday 14:57

Magdalena Andersson on the trust in Jamal El-Haj: “In the end, it ends”
