Visionary MMORPG collects 7.5 million euros from fans – now it’s just sad

The MMORPG Chronicles of Elyria wanted to offer a new, realistic MMORPG that allowed players to be part of a simulated world. The team raised around 7.5 million euros via Kickstarter and its own platform. But the boss gambled away badly. He couldn’t find another investor, had to fire the team and actually stop development, but he can’t get out of the situation.

What kind of MMORPG was this supposed to be?

  • Development began in 2016. The man behind the game, Jeromy Walsh, sold his belongings and started developing a realistic MMORPG on his own.
  • In the game you should be able to grow old and die. You got fat if you ate too much. Was able to gain power and prestige.
  • Kickstarter quickly raised $900,000, and by October 2019 hopeful fans had invested $7.7 million in the online role-playing game, which sold virtual land and hosted the first browser game-like events on the website.
  • What is Chronicles of Elyria – Pre-Alpha

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    MMORPG project fails in 2020 but can’t stop

    This was the break: The $7.7 million raised wasn’t enough to implement the ideas Walsh had in mind. His plan was to use the money to finance a prototype that was so good that he could convince solvent investors to finance the game for him.

    Other developers who had previously managed successful projects had managed to do this, but Walsh, as a nobody, failed to convince financiers. But the backers’ money was already gone.

    After a horribly failed pre-alpha, Walsh announced in March 2020 that the studio was closing and all employees had been laid off. But he added a little later that this was a misunderstanding and that he was continuing to develop the project.

    That’s the problem: In fact, the development of the MMORPG has failed, but it cannot be stopped because he cannot pay the backers back the money. As a result, Chronicles of Elyria has been subject to intense ridicule since 2020. While Walsh tries to keep the MMORPG afloat, former angry fans are out to get their money back.

    Developer says 93% of fans still want the MMORPG

    This is the latest farce: In January 2024, Walsh asked which of his 6 projects fans most want. Multiple nominations were possible.

    The online role-playing site Massivelyop, which is still following Chronicles of Elyria, scoffed that these were phantom projects anyway.

    An evaluation of the survey in February 2024 now shows: Of course, the MMORPG “Chronicles of Elyria” itself received the most votes; more than 93% were still interested in this game. Walsh sees this as confirmation that interest in MMORPGs is still high.

    However, former fans are cynical about this survey on the Massivelyop site. It says: There were only limited options available in the survey. The option “Give me my damn money back” is missing. She would definitely have won.

    Others compare the survey to being like asking visitors at a band’s concert which band they like best – the result is clear.

    Another says: 10,752 people took part in Kickstarter, and 500 people took part in a survey like this. He could then continue with his role play as CEO and game developer.

    This is what lies behind it: There has been an unpleasant situation surrounding Chronicles of Elyria since 2020. You don’t even want to look at it anymore:

  • The former fans are angry and disappointed. Threatening to sue, wanting the money they invested back. They even openly accused Walsh of fraud and embezzling money.
  • But there is a lot to be said for the fact that someone simply had a dream that they really wanted to believe in, got terribly overextended and now just can’t find it out.
  • A story from the MMORPG from better times: Player pays $10,000 to become king in MMORPG – subjects rebel
