That’s how much the electricity price increases when it’s windy

Thats how much the electricity price increases when its windy

The strength of the wind is important for the electricity bill – but exactly how much is the electricity price affected by dramatic winds? A new report from Energy research shows how the price decreases or increases depending on the wind strength.

Then it is time to bind the electricity price

Change in wind speed has an impact on the electricity bill

When the wind strength changes, i.e. for example from 9 meters per second to 10 meters per second, the electricity price also changes by several öre per kilowatt hour.

For every change in one meter per second, the electricity price changes by 11 öre per kilowatt hour (kWh) compared to the average electricity price in Sweden. That is, if the wind increases its speed by one meter per second, the electricity bill also increases by 11 öre per kWh. If the wind speed decreases by 1 meter per second, the electricity price follows and decreases by 11 öre per kWh.

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This is how electricity prices are affected by the wind, depending on which electricity price area you live in

The report also shows how different electricity price areas, also called electricity areas, in Sweden are affected. For electricity price range 1, the electricity price changes by 6 öre per kWh for every meter per second that the wind increases or decreases. The same figure for electricity price area 2 is 7 öre per kWh and for electricity area 3 it is 15 öre per kWh, making electricity area 3 the most expensive area.

Electricity area 4 corresponds to the average, which is a change of 11 öre per kWh every time the wind speed changes.

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