What is aliyah? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express

what is really the extent of the phenomenon – The

In this episode of La Loupe, Alexandra Saviana, journalist in the Société de L’Express department, explains to us what aliya is, a practice which takes a new turn after the Hamas attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023.

READ ALSO: French Jews tempted by aliyah: what is really the extent of the phenomenon?


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The team: Charlotte Baris (writing), Mathias Penguilly (presentation), Léa Bertrand (editing) and Jules Krot (directing).

Credits: France 2, France 24, France 5, i24news, TF1

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Jack Guez/AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

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Mathias Penguilly: Aliyah is a Hebrew term that Alexandra Saviana, a journalist in the Société de L’Express department, was interested in. How would you translate this word, “alya”?

Alexandra Saviana: “Alya” means “ascension” or “ascent”. Concretely, this word designates the fact for Jews of immigrating to settle in Israel. We can speak of the “rise” of the Jews in Israel.

For further :

Anti-Semitism: French Jews forced to change their habits

Anti-Semitic acts: these figures which show their “explosion” in 2023

In Créteil, the anxious Jewish community: “The word Israel can turn heads”

Israel – Hamas: how the conflict in the Middle East stimulates anti-Semitism in France
