Serious accident on road 164 at Edsleskog

The accident happened just before lunch on county road 164 near Edsleskog.

– It is a passenger car that has collided head-on with a timber truck, says Christian Rådén.

Two people are involved, one of whom needs to be cut out of the car. The injury status of both people is unclear.

– It is a very serious accident, says Rådén.

There is currently a total standstill in both directions on the county road outside Åmål. The rescue chief believes it will be like this for another one to two hours.

– The work is difficult, he says.

The police have started an investigation but do not have the criminal suspicion clear at the moment.

– It is a serious accident. Both vehicles have been impounded, we are investigating drunk driving on one of the drivers, says Hans-Jörgen Ostler, police spokesperson.

The police also do not want to comment on the extent of the injuries to those involved.

– We have certain investigative technical measures left before we can go into the damage situation, says Hans-Jörgen Ostler.
