Animal suffering caused by expensive vet: ‘Utrecht must raise the alarm with the government’

Owners avoid expensive vet Utrecht must raise the alarm with

Why price differences?

Some vets have rates online, many do not. So comparison is difficult. But that is also a matter of apples and oranges, reports DierenDokters in Utrecht and Zeist, among others.

Giving standard prices is difficult because they depend on, for example, weight and the treatment chosen. But a consultation is just a consultation, right? Animal doctors don’t think so and can also explain why. The price is determined, among other things, by the time and attention spent, the equipment available, the location (a city requires a larger investment) and the level of knowledge of the veterinarian.

DierenDokters warns against ‘shopping’. If you regularly switch vets, you lose an overview of your health history, which can cause costs to rise again. “Or even worse, an incorrect diagnosis may be made.”
