the party of Moïse Katumbi wants to “lead a fighting republican opposition”

the party of Moise Katumbi wants to lead a fighting

Even if it continues to describe the elections of December 20 as chaotic, the opposition party Ensemble pour la République, which came second in the presidential and legislative elections, decides not to boycott the national, provincial and municipal Assemblies. This is one of the resolutions taken this Tuesday, February 6 in Lubumbashi at the end of the two-day meeting which brought together elected officials and executives of Moïse Katumbi’s party.

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With our correspondent in Lubumbashi, Denise Maheho

More than 50 executives, including elected officials from opposition party Together for the Republic and his allies, had two days around Moïse Katumbi to exercise the option and finally decided not to boycott the Assemblies.

We own our voices. It is neither Mr. Tshisekedi, nor the CENI, nor anyone. We decided out of respect for our people to go to sit, but to lead a fighting republican opposition », declared Hervé Diakese, spokesperson for the party Congolese.

In the National Assembly, this opposition force has only 23 elected representatives out of 500 seats. But this is not a reason for discouragement, believes Daniel Safu, former elected official from Kinshasa: “ The opposition does not require quantity, but rather quality. The quality of the reflection, the quality of the argument, the quality of the very vision of the Congo “.

Clotilde Mutita is elected from Lubumbashi. She is determined to make the voice of the opposition heard. “ We will not go for resistance, but to work. And I think we’re going to try a little to be the voice of the voiceless “, she assured.

The party of Moses Katumbi is also vigilant regarding the attempts of the majority concerning the modification of the Constitution, in particular on the number of presidential mandates.
