Range Rover customers furious – denied insurance in capital

Range Rover customers furious denied insurance in capital

There’s a lot on this earth that money can buy, but apparently not owning a newer model Range Rover in London.

Few cars fit in better in the British capital than a large Range Rover with its sophisticated appearance.

The only problem is that Range Rovers are so prone to theft that many insurance companies flatly refuse to insure them, which Coach reported on during the past year.

Even Land Rover refuses

At the end of last year, Land Rover therefore launched its own insurance solution to help owners who cannot find insurance for their cars.

The only problem is that many are also rejected by Land Rover themselves, which Auto Express has led to a lot of sour faces.

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Triple insurance premiums

Auto Express spoke to Jonathan Hardwick who owns a Range Rover Velar whose insurance premium tripled in the past year.

This despite the fact that the car is equipped with a GPS transmitter for tracking, is always locked behind a gate overnight and always has a steering wheel crutch fitted when it is parked.

The cheapest premium Jonathan received on an online comparison site was a whopping £1,780, equivalent to almost SEK 24,000, for one year.

The response from Land Rover’s insurance company was that they could not even offer an insurance quote for the car.

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A bunch of grumpy customers

On social media, according to Auto Express, there are several stories from angry customers whose premiums have skyrocketed.

A customer talks about the premiums on both his Range Rover Sport and his father’s Land Rover Discovery Sport having tripled, and therefore both cars were sold.

Another customer says Land Rover denied him insurance on his brand new Range Rover, despite the company bragging about its new anti-theft protection.

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Range Rover is too popular

The fact that Range Rovers are so difficult to insure is paradoxically due to the fact that they are too popular, combined with the fact that spare parts prices are very high.

According to Autocar, thieves know they can steal a car and easily sell it for parts and get paid well, so it’s worth investing in the equipment required for the thefts.

In 2022, the Range Rover was the second most stolen car in the UK according to figures from the DVLA, with 5,200 cars stolen – most of which were stolen in London.

The only car that was more popular was the British people’s car Ford Fiesta, of which there is an almost inexhaustible supply on the country’s streets.

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