This is what the labor market looks like in Sweden

The government estimates that there will be 40,000 more unemployed this year. This is stated by Minister of Labor Market and Integration Johan Pehrson during a press conference on the labor market situation in Sweden.
– Unemployment among the foreign-born is 15.9 percent, almost twice as high as the rest of the population, says Johan Pehrson.

Today 09:50

Johan Pehrson (L) holds a press conference about the labor market

Labor market and integration minister Johan Pehrson is holding a press conference on Wednesday about the labor market situation in Sweden.

At the press conference, Pehrson states that unemployment is rising and is about to become the highest in ten years. This is due, among other things, to failed integration, he believes.

– Unemployment among the foreign-born is 15.9 percent, almost twice as high as the rest of the population, says Johan Pehrson at the press conference.

According to the government’s forecast, 40,000 more unemployed are expected this year.

– These are levels that we usually see when there are financial crises, says Johan Pehrson.

Due to the high unemployment, the government is presenting a series of measures. Among other things, SFI is strengthened, and the tax for the lowest incomes is lowered so that it will pay off to choose work.

The text is updated
