Ice hockey: Clear: NHL players are allowed to participate in the Olympics

It has been ten years since NHL players were last allowed to participate in a Winter Olympics.

Then the games were decided in Russia and the Swedish team contained player names such as Daniel Alfredsson, Henrik Lundqvist, Oliver Ekman-Larsson and the brothers Daniel and Henrik Sedin.

Before the last games in Beijing 2022, everything fell on the fact that covid-19 had put it in an already tight game schedule, NHL boss Gary Bettman said at the time when the NHL’s gloomy no came in December 2021.

“Love to represent their countries”

Now, ten years later, it is clear that the NHL players will once again be released to the Winter Olympics and the next games will therefore be in Italy in 2026.

– The ink has barely dried, but we have an agreement with the International Olympic Committee that NHL players will be allowed to participate in the 2026 and 2030 Olympics. We know how important international championships are to our players and how much they love to represent their countries, says Bettman at a press conference.

Pettersson: “It’s special”

Vancouver’s Swedish superstar, Elias Pettersson, was one of five players who were there and got to comment on the news and, among other things, talk about what it was like to play for Tre Kronor in the past.

– It’s special, you get to represent your country and the whole country stands behind you. I am very happy about the announcement here today, says Pettersson.

Four Nations tournament starting next year

The NHL had another big news to announce. This is that in February next year there will be a tournament in which four nations will participate.

It is about Sweden, Canada, the USA and Finland who will meet and where they build their squads only based on the players they have available in the NHL. It will be played in two cities, one in Canada and one in the United States.
