Unfortunately, the increases in 2024 continue unabated. Spotify Türkiye increased its subscription fees today.
As of today, it was previously 39.99 TL per month. “Individual” subscription package 59.99 TLIt was increased to . Previously 54.99 TL per month “Duo” no more for the package 79.99 TL needs to be given. Previously 64.99 TL per month “Family” package 99.99 TLIt’s up to . Student package is priced at 21.99 TL. 32.99 TL‘eat removed. The biggest rival Apple Music The prices are currently 19.99 TL, 39.99 TL and 59.99 TL per month for students, individuals and families, respectively. The company had made a splash before with a layoff. Spotify, As we learned recently from the statement of CEO Daniel Ek, he decided to lay off 17 percent of his workforce. The company, which has been on the agenda with dismissals before, has a job that is not specifically detailed according to the Annex. “coming challenges” is shrinking due to “I am aware, a“After our last positive earnings report, a contraction of this size will seem surprisingly large to many,” he said.” Ek also stated the following: “We had considered smaller landings throughout 2024 and 2025. However, considering the gap between our financial goals and our current operational costs, I decided this was the best option to achieve our goals. “While I believe this is the right step for our company, I also recognize that it will be incredibly painful for our team.”