New cars to be sold in the European Union will have a “black box”

New cars to be sold in the European Union will

From July 2024 European Union All new cars sold in their country will have a mandatory “black box”.

in aircraft for a very long time. black box There are special recording boxes called ‘recording boxes’, which are generally not black, unlike their name. A box similar to these, which record the entire flight process and answer very important questions in case of possible accidents, will soon be in automobiles based in Europe. From July 2024 European Union on all new cars sold in their country. “Event Data Recorder (EDR)” There will be a hardware called . This hardware will record and contain key data about how the accident happened. EDR device according to documentation provided by the European Commission It will make short-term recordings of topics such as speed, braking, the vehicle’s position on the road, its inclination and how the onboard safety systems react in the process.. As far as reported, the EDR, which will be placed in the airbag control unit, cannot be turned off and will be automatically activated when the tension of the airbags and seat belt is triggered, that is, in the event of an accident. The data stored in the EDR may vary depending on the accident situation. OBD It can be taken from the port, or if the vehicle is severely damaged, it can be examined directly by taking the box. The data will be made available only to the competent authorities and, interestingly, will be reviewed anonymously to assist in the accident reconstruction process.


The European Union currently consists of 27 countries: “Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic / Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.” In other words, the process will include new vehicles to be sold in these countries, but there will also be vans and some commercial vehicles in the process.
