The big miss in Postcode millionaire – wrong answer to the million question

The big miss in Postcode millionaire wrong answer to

It was during Friday’s broadcast of TV4’s long-running “Postcode millionaire” that Ing-Mari Sandström had the chance to win a whole million kroner if she answered the following question correctly:

“Which world-famous person shares the date of death with William Shakespeare on April 23, 1616?”

Four answer options were presented – Rembrandt, Cervantes, Michelangelo and Moliere – but none of them were correct, even if, when Ing-Mari chose to stay and leave the program with SEK 500,000, Cervantes was singled out as the correct answer.

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Wrong date of death in the Postcode millionaire answer

Cervantes died on April 22 and not on April 23, although the latter is stated in the National Encyclopedia, where the production received the information.

– The death certificate is from the same day he was buried, which is how it used to be done then, says Andrea Castroprofessor of Spanish with a focus on literary studies at the University of Gothenburg, to Expressen.

Roger Magnergård who is press manager for the Postal Code Lottery says this about the miss:

– Of course, we must strive to have clearer questions at this level and all other levels, which cannot be questioned.

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But Ing-Mari Sundström is not dissatisfied with the outcome and holds no grudge against the production.

– I can understand if an expert who is very well-informed is concerned. But I can’t possibly be annoyed by the small, small error, she says The Express.

Read more articles about the Postcode millionaire here:

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