Chaos in the USA: 25 states rebelled

Chaos in the USA 25 states rebelled

There is confusion in the USA. It was reported that 25 states in the USA united with Texas and issued a declaration of rebellion against the state. CNN Turk’s Washington representative Yunus Paksoy stated that 25 states united to support Texas, following the Constitutional Court decision that allowed the State of Texas in the USA to surround its federal borders with barbed wire in order to take control.

The Supreme Court’s decision on Monday authorized Republican Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott to install or move razor wire along the Mexican border. These barbed wire fences were installed to stop refugees flocking from the southern border of the USA.


But Greg Abbott suggested Wednesday that Texas will continue to put up razor wire even if federal border officials remove it.

While Abbott was accused of opposing the Constitutional Court decision, 25 states issued a joint declaration and supported it. In other words, 25 out of 50 states, half of the country, signed the declaration against the central state. It was also claimed that the central state could seize Texas’ National Guard.

