Iren Group rewards the 10 most innovative theses on ESG

Iren Group rewards the 10 most innovative theses on ESG

(Finance) – Translating sustainability into concrete and achievable commitments: this is the ambitious objective that animated the ESG Challenge Iren 2024a now fixed appointment of Iren Group to promote reflection on the main challenges that await us. They were the 10 most innovative theses were awarded who participated in the ESG Challenge Award: among these, a project for the production of fresh water from regasification processes, new ways to store hydrogen, the relationship between literature and ecological transition

Institutional interventions followed Luca Dal FabbroPresident of the Iren Group, e Stefano Lo RussoMayor of Turin, and continued with a speech by Mario Rasetti, professor emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the Polytechnic of Turin and President of the Scientific Committee of CENTAI. Following, three round tables dedicated to a day which, at the end of the work, left behind a sort of “shortlist” of the challengesi.e. emissions reduction, company close to the community and circular resources.

The the company’s relationship with the system in which it acts, attention to territory who hosts it, the care of stakeholders with which it interfaces and the commitment to innovate: these are, more generally, the ESG issues that will drive sustainable development in 2024, on which it will therefore be a priority to act and draw attention in the immediate future. Around these clusters the twelve challenges identified by Iren are developed taking into consideration a short-term time horizon, namely the year that lies before us.

With regard to the company’s action on the systemthere are four challenges: redesigning its relationship with the community, involve private entities in grounding global commitments on reducing emissions, accelerate the development of the circular economy And promote a just, inclusive and prospective transition.

Moving on to relationship with the territoryit will be crucial impact managementput the people at the center of the company (be they employees, customers and citizens) e create a supply chain ESG culture.

Then there is the relationship with stakeholders: the definition of relationship models and processes and the recognition and valorization of new professional skills are the two key aspects that will characterize it. And finally innovationan area that will have at its center the measurement of ESG performancethe spread of a sustainable financeand obviously the topic of artificial intelligence.
