This is what the relationship between North Korea and Russia looks like

This week, the United Kingdom announced satellite photographs of North Korean freight transport to Russia. The photographs were sent to the United Nations in an attempt to launch an official investigation into arms deals in violation of international sanctions.

North Korea has been accused of supplying weapons systems to the Russian government, which North Korea firmly denies.

– These are two states that are sanctioned by the international community. So there is a natural overlap here, says Niklas Swanström, political scientist.

According to him, the two countries also have weapons systems that are particularly compatible with each other.

– They are built on a Soviet platform that are easy to integrate into the Russian armed forces.

Kim abandons goal of reunification

In mid-January, Kim Jong-Un announced that North Korea intends to abandon the policy of reunification between North and South Korea that his grandfather introduced in 1950.

It has also carried out a series of tests of nuclear weapons systems off the country’s east coast as late as January 2024.

– The political climate forces the military to act much tougher, which can lead to a military escalation by mistake, says Swanström.

Is there a risk of war?

– There is always a risk of war. But as far as North Korea is concerned, I think they are interested in provoking and advancing their positions. But they are not interested in a major military conflict.
